Stuffed ourselves silly eating buffet,and god i've finally found out what's the worst feeling you can have in the world!It's being bloated till you're gonna explode,and laughing at the same time!We just kept laughing and laughing,and this was one of the times we just couldn't figure why we can't stop laughing!
But it's also times like this i'd miss,laughing like a kid with my friends,at nothing,and it can't stop cause laughing sudddenly became contagious.=) Laughing is such a tiring thing to do,but laughing like a nutball with your friends is also a memorable thing.
Saw this quote and i found it pretty true!Oh well,if it doesn't seem true at all why would it be called a quote right?Silly me!
` Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
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